Tuesday, October 19, 2010

No Halloween.

Okay--So every year my enthusiasm for finding the right Halloween costume goes something like this (refer to table).

As you can see my enthusiasm has dropped dramatically. Originally, I had wanted to go as a bag of Crunchitos (the off brand "organic" cheetos). I would have had to go out and buy a bunch of felt. This would have cost me over $25 and hours of my time (going to the garment district, returning home, cutting, sewing, screwing up, calling do-over, going back to the garment district...)! No thank you, sir. So... I am going to be lazy again this year and go out and buy some mouse ears and paint whiskers on my face and maybe pin a stuffed sock to my butt and say I am a chinchilla. I will probably look something like this:

This was originally a picture of me after finals.... I still look like this.


  1. lol... I'm gonna be visiting Mark in Seattle for Halloween. If I dress up at all I think I'll just wear my jeans, boots, a black top and a Yankees cap and go as a "New Yorker."

  2. Evaluation


    Format 7
    Note that you refer to a "Table" in the text when you really mean "Plot".

    Data Presentation 10
    Axes well labeled and trend line is extremely clear. No superfluous legends, labels, or unused plot space

    Data Analysis 9
    The term "dramatically" lacks a degree of specificity, but the trend is noted and of interest to reviewers.

    Error Analysis 0
    No error bars indicated on the plot.



    The one grading too many Barnard Physics Labs.

    October 19, 2010 11:30 AM
