Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Yesterday was a great Thanksgiving. We had plenty of friends over and all the food collaborations were delicious. However, before the festivities Josh got stuck in our elevator while trying to fetch the laundry. Our building supervisor had to bring in elevator specialists to pry open the door and free Josh. It was a hectic time. I kept Josh company by yelling at our broken elevator door like a crazy person. Later, I got bored, realized there was nothing I could do, and went back into the apartment to talk to my sister on the phone. She is doing well.
In the days leading up to our Thanksgiving dinner I obsessed over scented candles. I have been wanting a scented candle for about two months now. A lot of thought went into what kind of scent I could live with. There was also a fear that the cats might play with candle fire and then catch on fire and then die.

I had the idea that our apartment had to smell like holiday and not crazy mystery before the guests arrived. The fear of cat fire was still in the back of my mind, but with some reasoning my concerns were at ease. <Cats should know not to play with fire... right? But then again, it is not like they invented fire, so would they know? How natural is fire in nature? Well, pretty natural, I guess, considering my house almost burned down in the fire of 2002. 2003? No, 2002. 2002 because that fire happened the same year that the kid whose house burned down started wearing a t-shirt that read: 'Jesus is my Homie', so yes, 2002. Should our cats deserve to live if they do not know how to interact with fire? Whatever, this house needs to smell like holiday magic.> The night before Thanksgiving I made Josh and Kyle come with me to Duane Reade (I hate you, Duane Reade). It was a last minute desperate attempt to make the apartment smell magical. I had been thinking too much about candles and not actually shopping for candles--inevitably leading to a pathetic attempt at 10pm to improvise magic from the crap bomb that is Duane Reade. I bought something that purported a permeating apple cinnamon scent. Thanksgiving morning I lit the candle. Four hours later I got sick from the smell and had to open the window, but I left the candle burning because I wanted our guests to feel like it is holiday... With the window open the smell dissipated. Candles suck. Duane Reade sucks. Luckily, no cat fires.


  1. EEK! Poor Josh :-(. Is that Myra who looks like she has a goatee with the cops?

    Re. the candle escapades, DR SUUUCKS. And candles are dangerous b/c so many of them are crapola that either smell like someone melted old candy no one ever wanted and encased them in poor quality wax so they melt down too fast and reek. The place to go if you're stuck in the nabe and need candles is Columbia Housewares. They have some surprisingly fantastic pillar candles they sell there that DO make your apartment smell magical and festive. I usually would buy them out of their vanilla pillars (and it's a good, cozy vanilla, not a desserty vanilla, blech), but the last one I bought that came with us is Italian blood orange. I couldn't resist it b/c it's this orangetastic color that makes me happy just to look at it.

    Yay good candles, boo elevator :-(.

  2. lol "is that myra with the goatee"!!!

  3. all i can say is the universe was at work in making josh the one stuck in the elevator and not you! oy i can't imagine that would have ruined your year!! xoxo
