Halloween times!
For Halloween, April, Kyle, Josh (that's my boyfriend), and I scavenged through the give away table downstairs in our lobby. Wowzahs, we dragged upstairs three sacks of Nutrisystem diet food. Three sacks! All that crap must have cost like freakin'... $500 or something. Well, right after setting the sacks down we went out to the Halloween parade in the village. Unfortunately, it was a ruse. We did not see any flippin' parade. No, we were smothered in a morass of drunk people and were almost crushed by an ambulance while a guy pulled an unconscious girl through the street. Fast forward to one gypsy cab later...

We arrive home, safe from the public... but not safe from ourselves... We ate the crap out of Nutrisystem diet food with wine through a series of dares and challenges, "put it in your body!!!" Carmel bars "breakfast time", honey mustard pretzels "dessert time", tortellini "lunch time", chocolate muffin "breakfast time", peanut butter crunch "breakfast time", carrot cake "dessert time", chocolate brownie "dessert time", soy bbq chips "dessert time", peppermint patty-type deal "dessert time"... a lot of crap is what we ate. A lot of crap. We do not feel good right now. April is almost completely passed out and Kyle is too wired from his crazy sugar cocktail and Josh is too good for Nutrisystem, so he is fine. I'm writing this blog. I am going to throw up neon shit now. Happies Hallowen.
wait, what were you for halloween?? i must know!