The ballet we saw was Swan Lake, directed by Matthew Bourne. I was not familiar with the story of Swan Lake before this experience, so now I feel very caught up on another culture thing. I must say, Swan Lake is one flippin' tragic tale of a prince's coming out at his mother gala, which ends in his institutionalization and ultimate death... oh yeah, and the hooker that tried to save him from the swan dies, too. Tchaikovsky, you have some serious emotional business to take care of.

For those of you not familiar with the story--those of you still uncultured like I was four hours ago--let me summarize the tale while it is still fresh in my memory.
There is a prince who has a very strained relationship with his mother. One day the prince meets an attention-hungry, money-grubbing, unrefined wench. The queen disapproves of her gauche behavior at the opera and tells the prince that he should not see her anymore. The prince gets drunk and heads out to a club where he finds out that his ladyfriend is a hooker. On the miserable walk home, the prince stops at a park where he runs into a bevy of swans. He falls in love with the man-swan and they dance together--or had sex, so hard to tell when expressed in dance (what is this? charades?). The swan-man allows the prince to caress his lanuginous thighs and twirl with the other swans in all sorts of interpretive manners (so I assume they have sex... or some intense foreplay). So... on the night of the queen's gala--it gets good--the man-swan that the prince is in love with drops by BUT the man-swan is dressed like a suave man-man. The man-swan dressed like a man-man seduces the queen, which enrages the prince. The prince tries to seduce the man-swan back but only succeeds in getting the hooker shot and drawing attention to his very public and unplanned coming out... what?! YES! Anyways... the prince is then institutionalized and administered ECT. The man-swan comes back with his other man-swan friends. They and the prince dance some more... I don't know what happens in between the jumping and the spinning... but the prince dies, okay? Queen comes in and is all like, "what?!" The end.
All in all it was a good performance.
Josh and I later went out to A Voce for drinks. It is fun to go out with boyfriend!
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